Thursday, March 5, 2015

How Does Humanity Love Deity...

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

I have an unquenchable longing inside me to deeply "love" You...a Being I can't really see, touch, hear. How can I do this? How can I actually "LOVE" You, and know that I'm "LOVING" You?

What is LOVE to You? How do You want it expressed and proven? I'm warned to guard my feelings and emotions, but all I know of LOVE revolves around these human senses.

I need peace in my heart! I need my faith somehow validated by You, Father. Is it wrong for me to feel this way? But I can no longer trust human beings to reassure me concerning my spiritual issues.

I want to love You...I NEED to love You...
but I don't know how.
I believe I love You, but do I...can I...truly?
Is it possible in this sin-cursed body and world to love a Holy God, and somehow prove my love?

You command me to love You. But You also say, if I love You I'll keep Your commandments. Problem is, I can't keep Your commandments. That's why You had to come and die.

So what am I to do...what is "LOVING YOU?!"

You lived in human flesh. You know the human need to "feel" security and assurance. Even You knew as a Man, that You had been "forsaken" by Your Father-God. You felt He had left You...and it tormented You.

My heart LONGS to really know and love You. But just saying it doesn't make it true. And the harder I try to figure it out and get closer to You, the more my heart and spirit seem empty.

So all I can do is keep seeking You with all my heart. You promised if I do that, I will find You.

Please, Father...don't hide Your face from me! I need You!

And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.


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